Over the past 12 months, we have put significant effort and diligence into gathering the necessary experience and expertise before the construction of the museum begins. Since 2023, we have been actively working on the concept of the future Tourist Information Center, which will offer visitors a unique experience connected to the rich history and culture of the region.

By October 2024, we have completed a number of important actions for the preparation and construction of the information center:

Construction plans:

We have started the investment design process with the aim of obtaining a Building Permit to renovate the building and change its purpose to a tourist information center. We expect to receive a Building Permit and begin renovation activities in December 2024, which will be an important step forward in realizing our vision.

Partnerships with local authorities:

We are working in cooperation with the Municipality of Belogradchik, which we consider to be our most important partner. We are striving to create a partnership that will allow the sale of tickets for the Magura Cave and the future museum in one place. We believe that a single ticket center will improve the service for tourists, facilitate their visit and, as a result, increase their satisfaction.

We are discussing a general tourist talk about the Magura Cave, which would be an integral part of the visit to the cave and provide all the necessary information in an interesting and modern way.

Partnerships with institutions:

We have established contacts with the Ministry of Culture, from where we received support for the creation of a replica of the prehistoric drawings, which will enrich our exhibition. We are also working with the Ministry of Agriculture to obtain permission to improve the area around the future museum, which will contribute to the attractiveness of the place.

Partnership with the National Academy of Art:

We have built a partnership with the National Academy of Art, which will lead to the creation of art murals on the facade of the building. These works of art will not only enhance the architectural and cultural value of the center, but also make it a real tourist attraction, enhancing the tourist experience of our visitors.

Media support:

We have an agreement with the Bulgarian National Radio - Vidin to receive media assistance for the production and sound recording of the tourist talks. This is a strategic measure to improve the information we provide to tourists, because we want to build a long-term media partnership.

Exchange of experience:

In order to gather valuable experience, we visited a replica of the Kazanlak Tomb in Kazanlak, as well as the Abritus Interactive Museum in Razgrad. These visits helped us to build partnerships and exchange experience for the successful implementation of similar projects..

Exploring international experience:

We visited the world's most famous museums related to caves with prehistoric paintings, such as Lascaux and Chauvet in southern France and Altamira in northern Spain. There we had the unique opportunity to talk with directors of these museums, hear about their experiences and take valuable lessons that we will apply in our project.

These actions and initiatives demonstrate our firm commitment and continued efforts in building an innovative and attractive Tourist Information Center that will provide unforgettable experiences to all visitors. We will continue to work tirelessly to provide high-quality services and pass on the cultural heritage of the prehistoric Magura Cave paintings for future generations.

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