In July 2023, we visited and spoke with the management of the largest replica museums of caves with prehistoric art - Altamira in northern Spain and Lascaux and Chauvet in southern France. Our trips were organized with the help of the embassies of France and the Kingdom of Spain in Bulgaria.

During our visits we found that:

- The reason for the preservation of the rock paintings is the limited access

All of the prehistoric cave paintings have been preserved until now mainly due to the fact that the galleries remained buried and/or unvisited for centuries, which allowed the microclimate inside them to remain dry and cool, which preserved the paintings.

- Mass tourism damages the cultural heritage in the caves

 The thousands of tourists entering the caves every day change the microclimate in them. It warms up and the humidity rises, which is an extremely favorable environment for imported molds, microorganisms and bacteria. As a result, there is a rapid development of pests and rapid destruction of the drawings, which are mainly painted with natural, natural materials.

- The way to save them is to limit access

World experience in the management and preservation of prehistoric drawings has reached the conclusion that in order for the original drawings to survive, they must necessarily be conserved and mass access to them prohibited. Everywhere, as a best practice, a Tourist Information Center is made at the entrance of the caves with a Museum and Replica of the paintings where tourists can enjoy the prehistoric art. In these museums it can be presented in an authentic, modern and convenient way.


The Thracian tomb in Kazanlak

Following these best practices, in order to preserve the authentic paintings, a copy of the Thracian tomb in Kazanlak was made. Tourists visit the replica, and the original is subject to special conservation and restoration measures to preserve it for future generations.


Our extensive research has strengthened our belief that the best way to preserve the prehistoric paintings in Magura Cave would be to create a modern museum center where tourists can get detailed and reliable information without destroying the original paintings.

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